Say it, don't spray it:

ruby - 2008-10-11 20:25:11
I made paper bleed today when putting holes in it to put in a ring binder. But then saw it was my finger I'd caught on the binder. Later I made a peach bleed when slicing it - but that turned out to be my finger too.

awittykitty - 2008-10-11 20:28:54
Maybe only YOU see the wings on your arch angel and the clothing issue is arbitrary. p.s. Sorry about your boo-boo! I once sliced a piece of my finger off with an exacto knife after a fight with my boss. He was too much of a wuss to even look at it when I went in his office to have him take me to the ER.

erika - 2008-10-12 00:01:01

wordy - 2008-10-12 00:38:43
though i myself would prefer a nice oiled up russell brand, i definitely can see how john barrowman, gay as all get out though he may be, could do it for someone else. your kitty pic description made me snort diet dr p out my nose. i empathize about the knife as i have been systematically trying to remove my left hand one bit at a time for YEARS (or my right hand has, anyway)

Notorious B.I.N.G.O. - 2008-10-12 11:24:18
Perhaps it's all mental imaging for Arch Angel's. They appear to have clothes on because they are projecting that image of them to you and your mind interprets this as normal because that's what your mind expects to see. When you can see their wings is when they no longer are sending that signal to your brain and you see them as they are.

Ruby - 2008-10-16 19:40:53
Friends are angels who hold us up when our wings forget how to fly

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