The Amazing Combover!
2001-11-07 8:19 a.m.

I saw the most amazing hairstyle on the bus this morning. I've been trying to write on the way to and from work on my NaNoWriMo novel in my pretty little notebook. I get about 45 minutes a day of uninterrupted writing. Well this morning I finished a scene and was trying to figure out what my character was going to do next when I looked up at the guy sitting across from me. He had a five inch comb-over (boys, if you start going bald, shave it all off. Chicks dig it and it makes you look manly and tough) and his comb-over was standing straight up in the air! Five inches of hair sticking straight up! I don't know if it was static electricity or he pulled his coat off over his head but it was amazing. I was completely mesmerized by this man's hair and couldn't stop staring. Simon was sitting next to me reading and I couldn't think of a subtle way of poking him and saying "Dude, check out this guys hair!" so I just sat there, transfixed by this hair that was defying all laws of nature. Gravity had no affect on him. He had superhuman powers.

Which is almost as strange as the other man on the bus ride home last night who was wearing two pairs of glasses stacked on top of each other. He couldn't afford bifocals? Forgot he already had a pair on? God I love public transportation.

I've written up a page long cheat sheet of all the kung fu techniques I've learned so I can drill them over and over and over again. Last night I taught Simon some kali stick disarming techniques which was kind of fun.

Simon said he felt very priveleged last night when Loki snuggled up on the couch with him while he was reading (Simon, Loki is a cat and can't read).

We have a new way of writing up performance appraisals at work so I get to write my own this year. How you do spell effervescent?

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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