Because you can never have too many pictures of your cats.
2006-03-22 11:30 p.m.

Mmmm, warm towels.
Originally uploaded by Kungfukitten.

I threw the laundry fresh out of the dryer onto the couch and Trin (left) immediately burrowed in. I couldn't find Loki (right). After walking all around the house calling him and looking inside cabinets, I came back in the livingroom and found him tucked in with Trin. I guess he thought she had a pretty good idea.

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Snow shot.
2006-03-22 11:26 p.m.

Midnight Snow Storm
Originally uploaded by Kungfukitten.

The weather has been positively schitzophrenic this month. One minute it's hot and sunny, then it's flooding, next there's hail and suddenly there's a midnight blizzard.

I snapped this picture a couple of weeks ago when it started snowing around midnight. I had to push the camera lens flat against the window in order to avoid the flash reflection but still illuminate the huge snowflakes.

1 People have tried to sell me Viagra
Project Pretty Invalid off to a perilous start.
2006-03-20 4:31 p.m.

I decided to ease gently onto the scale this weekend and see how much damage the last round of steroids had done. I�m only up ten pounds from my lowest sickly weight, which isn�t too bad. Still, I decided to embark on a very structured eating plan. (If I say diet I�ll suddenly feel deprived and start ordering pizzas). I figure I need a happy springtime project. I�m going to let this nausea work for me, I�ll lose weight and live off of something other than soup and saltines.

The next step in Project Pretty Invalid was to get some home waxing strips and de-fuzzify my face. No one else can see the fuzz but I�ve become obsessed with plucking my face for hours on end. I mean come on, how hard could it be:

Warm wax strips between hands, Okay. Apply strip to face. Rub. Hold skin taught and rip tape away from face quickly. Rip! Scream! Repeat twelve times. By the time I finished my nose was running and my eyes were watering. I had run out of curse words and was making up new ones. I carefully washed my face and noticed a distinct wind burn effect. I gently moisturized the tender areas and went to bed. I just knew I�d wake up with beautiful silky smooth skin! Wrong! I woke up with gigantic rectangular scabs on my face. I look like I have a serious case of road rash. My cheeks, both sides of my chin and my upper lip are gigantic scabs. Oh crap. It took a lot of creative spackling to convince myself I could leave the house without too many people staring at me.

Then I noticed something painful in my mouth. Canker sores! I�ve been throwing up my vitamins all week and have become folic acid deficient. (methotrexate binds to folic acid and gets rid of it). Project Pretty Invalid is off to roaring start. I look like a chubby leper. Can I sue Sally Hansen? Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe we could do a class action suit?

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