Reason number 18 of why I think I'm going crazy.
2004-11-20 6:01 p.m.

I woke up very tired this morning and really needed some coffee. I filled the coffeemaker with water and cleaned out the coffee filter...and proceeded to fill it with Iams dry cat food. Then I stared at it for a minute thinking "Somethings not quite right but I can't put my finger on it - oh!" I'm glad I figured it out before I turned the coffee maker on. I wonder if the cats would have drank it?

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I, hate, commas.
2004-11-17 10:12 p.m.

*Yawn* Another exciting evening at Chopsticks Express for karaoke noveling. There's a whole lot of Duran Duran going on tonight. I'm happy as I've managed to get to 28,000 words.

Last night I met with my writing group for critiques. The new guy in our group submitted a really fabulous chapter of his novel. Only his writing style is pretty much the opposite of mine. I hate commas. I hate them. Totally. So I was nearly having a heart attack reading really long sentences that contain five, six, twenty commas. Maybe this is good, maybe I'll get over my fear of commas. Check out the last two sentences, it's working already.

That's all. Singing out. Heading home and into the tub for some book therapy.

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This is where I lose my mind.
2004-11-16 9:33 a.m.

It�s official. I�ve completely lost it. I�ve gone insane. I dream about word counts, paragraphs and plot twists. When I walk down the street I eye people suspiciously wondering if they�re werewolves. I think that I have the supernatural ability to read people�s minds. I�m stuck so deep in my subconscious that when people talk to me they keep asking me what�s wrong. Maybe it�s the glazed look in my eye, maybe it�s the drool at the corner of my mouth. I�m just not all the way here.

The book is really taking off. I spent last night outlining the second half of the novel. I�ve got plots, sub plots, an arch nemesis and buckets of sexual tension. The love interest has shaped up, I gave him an old jeep with a winch and a fight to the death to remasculate him. It seems to be working. By this afternoon the word count, the sex scene count and the body count will sky rocket.

33 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Post Your Picture on the Internet

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Open letter to NPR.
2004-11-15 10:11 a.m.

Dear NPR,
I listen to Morning Edition every morning as I get ready for work. Lately I've noticed a trend in your newscasting. Frankly, you're reporting some pretty depressing and upsetting news stories. I find myself getting tense and sad in the morning and I'm sure that this is happening to your other listeners. Therefore, I propose the following substitutions be made in all your news stories to keep the public from sinking further into depression:

President Bush = Krusty the Klown
Insurgents = Bunny Rabbits
Terrorists = Not Very Nice People
Wounded = Snogged
Killed = Snuggled
Beheaded = Sudden Head Body Transgression
Weapons of Mass Destruction = Kittens of Mass Affection
Suicide Bomb = The Allah Express

With these substitutions in your stories the American public will be able to listen to the news without sufferng from post traumatic news story disorder (PTNSD) and can go about their daily business without suffering from huge amounts of liberal guilt.

3 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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