Concern over 18 hour bras
2001-10-05 9:23 a.m.

I am very concerned about those 18 hour bras. What happens after you wear them for more than eighteen hours. Let's say you have a really long day and put it on at 6:00am. Does that mean that by midnight it will just...just what? Explode? Quit working? Disintigrate? Turn your breasts into pumpkins? Should I keep a back up bra in my purse? I'm not really the braless type. I can't get away with it Like Charlie does on Ground Force.

Well I didn't get the job. Again. This is the third time I've been turned down for this position. Let's say my mood is less than chipper. In fact I'm somewhere between depressed and pissed off which is all right. Simon hovered around me all last night. Poor guy. All I really wanted was to be left alone and have a good pity party.

As a form of therapy I went to Illuminations and bought some bat sconces then went to L'Occitane for some expensive French soap.

No more for today unless something very funny or interesting happens.

Please sign my guestbook and let me know what I should be for Halloween: ninja, medieval bar wench, Gabby from Xena or I was thinking last night with a little red hair dye I could be a passable Scully from X-Files.

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